Escrow Clause

It is a provision in a contract that involves a third party, known as an escrow agent or escrow holder, who temporarily holds and manages assets (usually funds, property, or securities) on behalf of the parties involved in the transaction. Escrow clauses are typically employed to safeguard the interests of both parties and ensure that the specified conditions in the agreement are met before the assets are released to the receiving party.

Key elements of an escrow clause include:

  1. Identification of the escrow agent: The clause should clearly specify the escrow agent, who is usually an impartial third party, such as a bank or an attorney.
  2. Escrow instructions: The clause must outline the duties and responsibilities of the escrow agent, as well as the instructions for managing and disbursing the assets held in escrow.
  3. Conditions for release of assets: The clause should specify the conditions under which the assets will be released to the receiving party, such as the completion of certain tasks, the passage of a certain amount of time, or the fulfillment of specific conditions.
  4. Fees and expenses: The clause should address the escrow agent's fees and any expenses associated with managing the escrow account.
  5. Governing law and dispute resolution: The clause should specify the governing law that will apply to the escrow arrangement and any dispute resolution mechanisms, such as arbitration or mediation, that the parties agree to use in case of disagreements.

Escrow Clauses are crucial in contracts involving high-value transactions, intellectual property transfers, or significant financial commitments. Examples:

When reviewing an Escrow Clause, a contract drafter should be aware of:

By meticulously drafting and reviewing Escrow Clauses, corporate lawyers can mitigate risks, protect their clients' interests, and facilitate the secure and controlled transfer of assets or sensitive materials in complex transactions or agreements.

Want to manage clauses like these effectively?
Check out Clause Library from ContractKen. It has 700+ commercial contracting clauses, with 3-4 examples for each clause available out of the box. The web interface allows easy curation, management, tagging, and commenting of clauses. Each clause example is enriched with attributes like #Times Used, Jurisdiction, Type of Contract, Party Favored, etc. And this clause library is fully accessible inside Microsoft Word, via ContractKen Word Copilot while you are reviewing or drafting contracts!

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